List of Fives Part Eleven

Five Questions I Want Answered by Whomever Is in Charge

1. If God had wanted men to have foreskins, why aren't they born with them?

--Okay, this is me being snarky. Let's just say that I am anti-circumcision. Very much so. It's a useless and often dangerous procedure. What I really don't get is the parents who don't want their kids to get immunized or have their hearing tested or whatever but Yes! Go and slice off that wonderful piece of skin that protects the glans! Please! No, he's a boy! He can take the pain! Never mind the screaming. He doesn't understand what's going on!

And don't get me started on female circumcision! What the f#%*&!?!?!?

2. If Star Wars "sucks so much" now, why do people keep referencing it?

--Come on! Even if they are poking fun at the prequels, they are still making the reference. The prequels were never going to be the original trilogy (no Mark, no Harrison, no Carrie--how could they be?) but they are not terrible. Admittedly, I do skip over the podrace when I watch TPM but other than that, seriously. Oh don't worry, the list of reasons why each prequel film is cool is coming. Trust me.

3. If the "Founding Fathers" truly wanted the United States of America to be a Christian nation, don't you think they would have mentioned it? Put it in the U. S. Constitution? Something?

--These guys wrote our laws. They wrote the documents that frame our national character. If they truly wanted the United States to be a haven of Christianity, they would've written it into the law. Is the reason they didn't because they believed in individual freedom to worship (or not) however a person chose? Just asking.

4. If Jesus returns and he looks more like Osama bin Laden than Jim Caveziel, will the extremists on the Right still be so "pro-Jesus?"

--No one can answer this. I'm just curious. I have my ideas... but I'm biased.

5. Why can I spend a day working and watch it drag but when I want to just play, the day disappears like quicksilver?

--I have a feeling this question has been posed many times before.


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