If the Bible is Infallible, Why Does It Need Editing?

So... I got up this morning, settled down to a nice warm bowl of oatmeal, and opened up my newspaper's editorial page for a good morning read. I often read Leonard Pitts, Jr.,'s editorials because he often speaks on subjects I care about.

If you don't get his column, follow the link http://www.miamiherald.com/living/columnists/leonard-pitts/story/1287092.html.

I had heard that there was a project to change the bible to make it reflect "more accurately" the views of ultra-conservative right-wing America but after reading Pitts' column, I have to ask:

If these folks consider this book the infallible word of god, why are they--in what can only be called arrogance--changing it to suit their personal views? Wouldn't this be considered the height of blasphemy? I thought we were supposed to mold ourselves to god, not god to us.

I'm utterly confused by this, but not necessarily surprised. For centuries, people have taken the purported word of god and used it to justify their own hatreds, prejudices, and petty evil. They used it to support the institution of slavery. That slavery still exists today seems lost on these folks. They use it to deny others of their equal rights. As Bill Maher pointed out in one of his "New Rules" the other week, equal means "everyone gets them." Period.

So this Andrew Schlafly fellow thinks he knows better than the god who wrote with his own hand this book that Schlafly puts so much faith in?

I've read the bible. (Most of it... okay, I skipped over those "begats," but can you blame me?) It's allegorical at best, self-contradictory at worst and can be used to justify everything from downright murder to hacking off foreskins with reckless abandon to opening one's own home to total strangers to not paying income taxes. You take from it what you need.

I just wish these so-called "Christians" would take the message of their "Christ" guy more to heart.


Unknown said…
Sounds like a simple case of history repeating itself.
Council of Nicea revisited?

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