Post Apocalyptic Summertime Blues
Not really. That title just popped into my head and I had to use it. If I were any sort of musician, I would write a parody song with that title and base it off of the late Glenn Fry's "Smugglers Blues." I do that. A lot. I make up parody song lyrics. Tried to do one for my second stepson, Drew, for his birthday. (His is 7 days after mine. He's 18 now.) Came up with this: Hello XBox my old friend I've come to play on you again Because the game that I just ended Seemed more dull than I expected And my mind needs way more Active roleplay I'm here today To play, with my new console Didn't finish that but you get the idea. Do I really need to say what song I'm parodying? I don't want to. Frankly, I hate the fucker. I wish I had the talent and musical acumen of Randy Rainbow. Here's just a taste of his genius. He's been doing this since before the 2016 election, which went south for ...