Summary of Life Events 2011 - 2018
It's been a few years.
What can I say? Life happened.
I moved to another state.
I got married!
I bought a house.
Carrie Fisher died.
My last post was in October 2011. So, it has been a few years. So much has changed.
I think a lot of it had to do with the job I acquired in June 2010. The job title is Customer Service Representative but it truly involves so much more than customer service. I can honestly say that I did that job to pay bills and make money. I started making okay money and eventually, before resigning from the position to save my sanity, making very good money. But there was little satisfaction. The only job I ever proudly revealed where I worked was when I worked in educational assessment. That was a job I was proud to be a part of.
But, as a CSR, I was finally able to pluck up the courage to move out onto my own. I had to because I accepted a position in a neighboring state. I already had the job, I just needed to find a place to live. I did. I moved into an apartment, then a duplex, until finally purchasing a home of my own.
But the home purchase was more for me. I also picked up a family along the way.
I came out.
I have finally accepted my sexuality. Acceptance led to embrace and I began dating actively. I dated. One person I fell in love with. It was not reciprocated. Another person I fell in love with and learned that I had to do some self-realization before we could come together and be the kind of people we wanted to be to each other. When we were ready, we married. I gained a family. Not just my partner's but also three teenage boys.
Everything was coming into place. I was finally able to put a stamp on the word "happy" and say, "yes, I recognize that emotion."
Until December 23rd, 2016.
I will never forget. I was at work (at the job I was quickly becoming disillusioned with) and a coworker asked me if I had seen the news. Then, before I could ask what she met, my best friend texted me asking me if I was OK.
Carrie Fisher suffered a massive "cardiac event" while on a trans-Atlantic flight from London to Los Angeles. She was found unconscious and not breathing on the flight. She remained in a coma for four days, finally passing away December 27, 2016.
But I knew she was gone. I knew. She left behind a massive legacy. But she is missed, more than I am sometimes able to verbalize.
But isn't that the nature of life? Her life ended and a new chapter of my life was just beginning.
Nearing the end of 2018, I am gainfully unemployed. There comes a point when you have to value yourself over the job you have been slaving away at for eight years. When it was just me, I could go home, grumble to myself, maybe have a drink and go to bed and start the cycle all over again. I would escape by eating, going to the movies, shopping for stuff I didn't need. I used to escape by writing but that fell by the wayside because I was so mentally exhausted from all the drama of it.
Now, here I am. Blogging again. Does anyone even still read blogs?
What does it matter? I enjoy writing. I enjoy giving voice to my thoughts and seeing them on a written page. I enjoy having something tangible to say, "this is me!"
I hope to continue this blog into 2019 and beyond.
Only time will tell.
What can I say? Life happened.
I moved to another state.
I got married!
I bought a house.
Carrie Fisher died.
My last post was in October 2011. So, it has been a few years. So much has changed.
I think a lot of it had to do with the job I acquired in June 2010. The job title is Customer Service Representative but it truly involves so much more than customer service. I can honestly say that I did that job to pay bills and make money. I started making okay money and eventually, before resigning from the position to save my sanity, making very good money. But there was little satisfaction. The only job I ever proudly revealed where I worked was when I worked in educational assessment. That was a job I was proud to be a part of.
But, as a CSR, I was finally able to pluck up the courage to move out onto my own. I had to because I accepted a position in a neighboring state. I already had the job, I just needed to find a place to live. I did. I moved into an apartment, then a duplex, until finally purchasing a home of my own.
But the home purchase was more for me. I also picked up a family along the way.
I came out.
I have finally accepted my sexuality. Acceptance led to embrace and I began dating actively. I dated. One person I fell in love with. It was not reciprocated. Another person I fell in love with and learned that I had to do some self-realization before we could come together and be the kind of people we wanted to be to each other. When we were ready, we married. I gained a family. Not just my partner's but also three teenage boys.
Everything was coming into place. I was finally able to put a stamp on the word "happy" and say, "yes, I recognize that emotion."
Until December 23rd, 2016.
I will never forget. I was at work (at the job I was quickly becoming disillusioned with) and a coworker asked me if I had seen the news. Then, before I could ask what she met, my best friend texted me asking me if I was OK.
Carrie Fisher suffered a massive "cardiac event" while on a trans-Atlantic flight from London to Los Angeles. She was found unconscious and not breathing on the flight. She remained in a coma for four days, finally passing away December 27, 2016.
But I knew she was gone. I knew. She left behind a massive legacy. But she is missed, more than I am sometimes able to verbalize.
But isn't that the nature of life? Her life ended and a new chapter of my life was just beginning.
Nearing the end of 2018, I am gainfully unemployed. There comes a point when you have to value yourself over the job you have been slaving away at for eight years. When it was just me, I could go home, grumble to myself, maybe have a drink and go to bed and start the cycle all over again. I would escape by eating, going to the movies, shopping for stuff I didn't need. I used to escape by writing but that fell by the wayside because I was so mentally exhausted from all the drama of it.
Now, here I am. Blogging again. Does anyone even still read blogs?
What does it matter? I enjoy writing. I enjoy giving voice to my thoughts and seeing them on a written page. I enjoy having something tangible to say, "this is me!"
I hope to continue this blog into 2019 and beyond.
Only time will tell.