Suffereth Not From Triskaidekaphobia
It's been a week. Seven days. Has life turned to normal? No.
Normal would mean a cat sitting on my lap or climbing over computer attachments looking for attention.
It's Friday the 13th. I like this day. I look forward to it.
Wow... the next year to have three Friday the 13th's will be 2012. Is that an omen? Or just a coincidence?
Came across this while reading Kathleen McGowan's "The Book of Love."
Il est longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai
It expresses what I feel at this particular time in my life.
I have loved thee a long time.
Forever. I will not forget thee.
Yes, I will go back to my List of Fives.
Not just yet.
Normal would mean a cat sitting on my lap or climbing over computer attachments looking for attention.
It's Friday the 13th. I like this day. I look forward to it.
Wow... the next year to have three Friday the 13th's will be 2012. Is that an omen? Or just a coincidence?
Came across this while reading Kathleen McGowan's "The Book of Love."
Il est longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai
It expresses what I feel at this particular time in my life.
I have loved thee a long time.
Forever. I will not forget thee.
Yes, I will go back to my List of Fives.
Not just yet.