List of Fives Part Six

Five Film Scores That Were Better Than the Film:

1. Passion of the Christ – Music by John Debney. Debney manages to capture emotion seriously lacking from Mel Gibson’s Christian snuff film. The music is underscored with Aramaic chants and evokes an almost otherworldly presence. There is beauty here, a stark contrast to the brutality of the film. My favorite track is “Resurrection.”

2. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves – Music by Michael Kamen. Kamen is a personal favorite of mine. I think that his Robin Hood theme, which has been used for one production company’s theme music, is a worthy follow-up to Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Hated the film (especially because of its mostly American cast) but loved the score. Can’t stand the song, but who can? Favorite track: “Opening Titles.”

3. Waterworld – Music by James Newton Howard. The movie, a remake/rip-off of “The Road Warrior,” is not good. Good premise, bad execution. The music is better than the film. The music sounds nautical and otherworldly. James Newton Howard knows how to match music to mood. Mark Isham contributed a score for this film that was rejected for various reasons. Luckily, Howard was available and provided a score that was sweeping and haunting. Favorite track: “Swimming.”

4. Hancock – Music by John Powell. The movie is not the greatest. I don’t know why they are bothering with a sequel. It’s about an amnesiac that has astonishing superhuman powers. To say anymore would give away the plot. But the music is great. Especially the last two tracks on the CD. “Death and Transfiguration,” fits the scene it accompanies and bleeds seamlessly into “The Moon and the Superhero.” And, if you’ve seen the film, hearing this when the shot of the moon comes is truly inspiring. Favorite Track: “The Moon and the Superhero.”

5. Krull – Music by James Horner. The music from this mediocre science fiction fantasy is probably James Horner’s first masterpiece. I was able to find a double-CD set of the score for this film a while ago and I go back to it often. With the right amount of heroism and romance, its epic in scale and just a hint of the great music to come from Academy Award winner Horner. Favorite track: “Ride of the Fire Mares.”


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