List of Fives Part Twenty-Three

I guess I should've done this a week ago:

Five Resolutions I May Actually Stick to:

1. Read 52 books in 52 weeks. Last year, I read about 45 books but I'd say twenty of those were re-reads. This year, I plan to read a book a week. Expand my mind. And NO RE-READS! Every book will be something I've never read before. So: no revisiting Narnia or Middle Earth or the Kingdom of the West or Avalon. I've already finished one book and am close to finishing a second. And, since Monday is my (gasp!) 41st birthday, my sis is taking me out to eat at my favorite Greek restaurant and then we are going to Barnes & Noble so I can find more books. Yay for me!

2. Go to the gym at least four times a week. I know, everyone makes "lose weight" resolutions. This is not one of those. I honestly don't care any more. I'm gonna die when my number is drawn. Can't change it. Can't fear it. I'm alive today and that's good enough. So, I'm looking at my workouts as stress relief and quiet time in my head (especially if I swim). I've been to the gym past four days so I decided to take a day off today. Will go tomorrow and sweat. I've lost a little weight and I've gained some muscle. I'm not counting calories or pounds.

3. Get a steady job. I know, right! In this economy? Well, I have some marketable skills. The remote gig I was doing is so erratic I simply cannot rely on it as I used to. I know that there will be work coming but I've got Star Wars action figures to buy!

4. Blog more. I'm off to a great start, right? It's the 8th day of the year and this is my first blog. I think I did about 50 blogs last year. If I do one a week? Who knows? I should just blog about anything. Isn't that the purpose of a blog?

5. Enjoy the downhill slide. I'm turning 41 (as I mentioned) and I guess it's all down hill from here, right? Well, the first 40 years were not what I imagined so I'm not even going to make any plans. I'm just gonna go with the flow. And I won't even let all the negative right-wing punditry get to me anymore. Screw 'em. They don't even know what they want anymore. Constant war? Do they really find Vince Vaughn's "guns at the ready" character from Mr. and Mrs. Smith attractive? Do they really want to live with their assholes puckered like that? I don't. Statistically speaking, I have a better chance of being killed by a terrorist than getting married at this point. Bring it on, dimwit. I've got some choice words for all of you.

And in parting: who gives a shit?


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